When fitting air conditioning systems, it is necessary to provide the following:
- refrigeration system,
- electrical wiring,
- condensate drain piping.
It is often the case that the condensate drain piping system is treated with insufficient attention. This repeatedly contributes to instances of condensation leakage or flooding of air-conditioned rooms.
To correctly install condensate drain piping, several fundamental guidelines must be complied with:
1. The gravity condensate drain should have a drop of minimum 1 cm/m (1%) towards the outlet
Moreover, a larger drop guarantees a faster flow of the discharged water, which does not allow contaminants to settle inside the pipe and subsequently block the drain.

Fig. 1 Gravity condensate drain (without a condensate pump)

Fig. 2 Gravity condensate drain (with a condensate pump)
Below is an example of an incorrect installation.

Photo 1 No drop below the elevation
2. The system must be simple and securely fixed using brackets (without pipe bends)
In line with the above, the brackets should be fixed every 1.5 to 2 m to prevent the installation from becoming deformed.
3. When connecting the condensate drain piping to the drainage system, a drain trap must be used.
When deciding to connect the drain piping to the drainage system, a drain trap must be installed to prevent unpleasant odours from entering the unit.

Photo 2 Drain trap connected to the drainage system
In the case of high-pressure units, the use of a drain trap is necessary regardless of whether the condensate drain piping is connected to the drainage system. In this case, the drain trap should also be installed directly next to the unit. This is to prevent the entrapment of condensate by the fan and the appearance of water at the air supply.

Fig. 3. High-pressure unit with a drain trap
4. Service access should be provided for cleaning drain traps, condensate pumps and float traps
Below are some examples of incorrect installation of condensate drain piping

Fig. 4 Examples of incorrectly installed condensate drain piping
A poorly designed or constructed condensate drain piping system can cause leakage and increases the risk of air conditioner failure. The implementation of the guidelines listed above will help to eliminate problems when using the condensate drain system and the unit itself.
Details of the solutions presented can be found in the assembly instructions of the devices.